June: Gemini
Dharma Direction’s 6th issue takes a peek at The Twins, Gemini, and why they’re double the trouble, or double the fun. Are you ready to Go With The Flow?
Gemini: The Twins
May 21 - June 21
Masculine and feminine.
Angels: “Arch and Archeia”
Personal Essay by Debbie Abbott / Read time: 6+ minutes
Angel personas, especially those of the Archangels, have been represented over the last 3,000 years or so by gender qualities that have led most of us to believe that they are indeed either male or female.
Archangel Michael is always depicted as a muscular male figure, like Thor with a mighty sword instead of a hammer. And despite his long hair, Archangel Raphael has been historically drawn with an undeniable male air about him. My research has revealed, however, that this is simply a narrow view of the reality of these other-worldly beings.
The Greatest Of These
Hope, Faith, and Charity … and the greatest of these is Charity. You’ve probably heard this expression, maybe with the word Charity replaced by the word Love. Maybe you know that the expression comes from a Bible verse in the Book of Corinthians. But did you know that these words are also the names of three Archeias.
Simply put, the feminine energy of an Archangel is known as the Archeia.
Much like the duality of Gemini Twins, Archangels are blessed with two sides of one presence.
A male side, the Archangel
And a female side, the Archeia
When the angel decides to cross from their dimension into ours, they take on the form they believe their intended “target” needs to see.
Hope is the Archangel Gabriel’s Archeia. Faith is the other side of Archangel Michael. And Charity belongs to a lesser known Archangel called Chamuel. With the essence of both yin and yang, their “bodies” are not bound by the parameters of human genetics so choice of gender really comes more from the eye of the beholder.
The angel who physically appeared before me on a street corner in 2003 was void of any real evidence of gender but “she” gave off a female essence that was incredibly soothing. And even after she visited me again—in the realm of an amazing dream, speaking only one prophetic line—I could not say if she was female or male. This was the impetus for acquainting myself with the intriguing Archeia. The female counterpart to the angels we’ve known so well as being inherently male.
Archangel Gabriel brings peace and comfort during traumatic times. Known as the Messenger Angel, Gabriel is the bearer of big news, bringing new beginnings and Hope.
Archeia Hope lights the way for her counterpart. She is the candle in the wind … reminding us that keeping Hope alive in our hearts is paramount to this human journey.
Without Hope, humanity would be lost in the darkness of daily disappointments.
Life is hard and full of distressing moments. If we cannot maintain a hopeful Spirit, then we are destined to miss the point of our existence.
Archangel Michael maintains the balance of Justice and Truth. His Lady Faith understands and trusts that dwelling within the heart of every human being is a Divine creature.
Faith’s infinite patience is like a balm to the harried minds of mankind.
Archeia Faith believes in the goodness of every person on the planet and she wants us to open our minds and accept the differences between us, as this is where the glue to keep us together is hiding.
Exuding Will, Power, Strength, and Courage, Faith stands firm next to Michael—determined in their desire to help every last soul find their inner-faith.
Archangel Chamuel wants us all to understand that Fear is the pivot-point to Hate.
To balance the heart into a loving state, we must strive to understand and accept ourselves more fully.
Recognizing the Fear-Hate cycle is an advantage that creates opportunities for Spiritual growth, allowing us to then understand and accept others despite the differences between us.
Love energy vibrates at a much higher frequency than Hate energy, and Chamuel’s Archeia is here with a generous Spirit encouraging everyone to embrace the One power that can bring Joy: LOVE (aka Charity).
Embrace Charity and your struggles will quickly transform into rewards of the grandest kind.
Ambriel, the Intellectual Angel
Known to promote mental clarity, Ambriel can clear away the fog that bogs down your happiness. Though not an Archangel, accounts of Ambriel’s work as a Prince of the Order of Thrones cite this protective angel as a being of either gender.
This yin yang persona enables the angel to guide our emotions like a celestial adaptogen … increasing or decreasing energy levels to correct the imbalances causing dis-ease in our lives. Ambriel is like a “Doggy Downer” and a “Puppy Upper” all in one ethereal dose. (Saturday Night Live fans may get that reference … from way back.)
The angel’s mission is to guide the human race toward conscious inner-truth.
Ambriel is a communicator. As such, the angel’s talent lies in the ability to adapt to their audience. To find common ground—a thread that binds us together as Spiritual beings on a human quest. For it is not the other way around, dear souls … even if your mind tries to convince you otherwise.
Take advantage of the Gemini season, spread your wings and talk to people. You never know how a short, simple conversation might brighten your day or bestow you with a nugget of information you needed … or will need, soon.
Practice radiating Joy by simply smiling at strangers, no matter what they look like.
The effect of an unexpected smile holds the power of Love within it, for the sender and the receiver. The real beauty is that in the moment of giving Joy, we are guaranteed a return on our investment in the happiness of humankind.
That is the Angels’ promise.
Debbie Abbott is a former managing editor for an upscale food and lifestyle print magazine from Scottsdale, Arizona. She now spends as much time as possible working on her debut novel and sharing accounts of her life through her website and as editor and publisher of Dharma Direction.
Connect with Debbie on Facebook, through Debbie's Twitter page or visit Debbie on Instagram.
Audio Visual Art: Angel Ambriel
Digital artist Peter Mohrbacher treats viewers this month to the ethereal sounds of musical artist Xan Griffin (featuring WILD). Find Peter’s work at Angelarium.net. Find more of Xan’s work on his YouTube Channel. Watch time: 4+ minutes
Dogs have dimples too.
Humor: “My Giant Gemini - Nicky”
Personal Essay by Colleen Markley / Read time: 9 minutes
Gemini. Sigh.
The sign of the twins, Gemini may sometimes seem like two different people living inside one body …
You never know exactly who you are going to get.
Those born under the sign of the twins are known to be confusing and difficult to understand—that’s basically the motto for what life was like with my dog, Nicky. He was the canine form of chaotic cosmos.
Named for Nicolas Flamel from Harry Potter, Nicky arrived to us as the most adorable-looking Bernese Mountain Dog on earth.
His personality was feisty from the beginning, and at age 10 weeks he had no fear of playing tug of war with Gryffin, our grown Berner who outweighed Nicky by 100 pounds. Gryffin (the Gentle Giant) would let Nicky win when playtime got heated. But even after Nicky was successful and exuberant, he’d hop around on his white paws, spin in circles, and end his victory dance by biting Gryffin right on the ass. To celebrate, perhaps?
Most of the time with Nicky we couldn’t really figure out what in the world would have prompted him to do act like such a doggy doofus. Gemini are famous for changing direction so quickly it’s hard to keep up.
Keeping up with Nicky was one of my life’s biggest challenges. He was only on this earth for six years, all the while loved by his family (human and furry). Nicky was at times so challenging that …
I wondered why the universe thought I was the right human for him.
I certainly didn’t feel equipped. But I’m a big believer in the universe giving us the experiences we need to learn and grow. Nicky was a learning opportunity.
Living On The Edge
Nicky and I went semi-viral after I wrote about his severe anxiety and the thrice-daily medication schedule. The meds basically took a little bit of the edge off a dog who had very rough edges. I’ve always admired people who deeply care for animals. Yet the debate and commentary that followed from thousands of readers, and whether I was caring for Nicky the “right way,” was intense.
I had written about Nicky to share the struggle pet owners have when they are trying to find solutions for problematic pets, telling everyone in the very first paragraph that I was writing to share, not to get advice.
The act of writing about your vulnerability can sometimes appear as an invitation for those who prefer to judge you.
I would prefer to forget that trolls exist.
The vitriol coming from those who were judging the decisions that I (and Nicky’s team of veterinarians) had made was unexpected, and once again the internet world caused me to raise my eyebrows. Apparently, I do that move quite often as a friend recently told me that she admired that I hadn’t had any plastic surgery—she could tell from the “pack of hotdogs” that my forehead resembled.
I smiled (probably deepening other wrinkles) and told her how excited I was to write about all I had learned from my friend who does Chinese Face Reading, and what those lines mean about my soul contract. (You’ll need to wait until July to read more about that in my next column for Dharma Direction … which coincides with my sun sign, Cancer). This month it’s all about my dog’s anxiety. My anxiety will be explored more deeply in our next issue, even though it probably leaks into all of my writing—in one way or another.
Always anxious that he might be left behind (FOMO is a typical Gemini trait), Nicky would cry when he saw his humans loading the car.
Once, during prep for a weekend getaway (which he was going on along with us), we took a long time to load the car, and left both house and car doors open while making multiple trips to make sure we had everything packed.
We always kept the dogs inside for this routine. Gryffin would lounge by the stairs, knowing we’d tell him when it was time to go. Nicky paced. Whined. Pawed at the windows, ripping the screens while watching us walk in and out a dozen times. (We are not the most efficient car packers, but I will usually have anything you need in a crisis, so I find my overpacking to be a very helpful anxiety trait).
After watching us for what must have felt like hours instead of minutes, Nicky escaped the house, bolting through one open car door. But instead of bouncing off the closed door on the opposite side—his usual routine—he flew out the car’s other open door. He tumbled down the driveway, completely confused and covered in dirt and leaves.
When it was time to actually leave, Nicky refused to get in the car until Gryffin went first, to check out that it was safe. It was. Geminis need to be reassured. Often.
Eating … It’s About More Than Food
Like most zodiac signs, Geminis enjoy food. But more than others, Gemini prefer a wide variety of options. Nicky was a unique foodie. A voracious and indiscriminate eater, he counter-surfed and stole food with abandon. And like his furry brother Gryffin, he didn’t let limiting beliefs about food get in his way of culinary experiences.
Nicky also ate window and door moldings, dry wall, and furniture, especially when his separation anxiety convinced him that he should try to get outside the closed window he was trapped behind while he waited for me to return from my extra-long trip to the grocery store.
Nicky often looked for forgotten granola bars and snacks in random places, and would eat the contents next to the found food, even if it was not also food.
Once, he ate several rolls of plastic poop bags and was hospitalized for a week. He was finally discharged so he could finish passing the plastic bags at home, and his human siblings sang “99 poop bags to pass from his butt” to the theme from 99 Bottles of Beer (on the wall). The passing took longer than the song.
Anxiety … An Equal Opportunity Disorder
Nicky communicated his anxiety in odd ways. I often wished he could just tell us with words what was going on in his furry head.
Gemini is ruled by Mercury – the planet that guides communication.
When Mercury is in retrograde (as it has been for the last few weeks and I think is the reason I am arguing with everyone I know), lots of things go sideways. Nicky was always sideways.
He suffered from OCD and ADHD, which sometimes made him think it was a good idea to eat his own poop, or the poop of his furry friend Gryffin.
He’d eat dirty tissues out of the trash can.
And eat the trash bag.
And eat the can.
He was skittish many days of his life, even with his three separate anti-anxiety medications administered three times a day. Every day.
Once frightened by a butterfly, he jumped two feet in the air and one foot sideways—like a cat—and landed in the pool. Nicky couldn’t swim (no, not even a doggy paddle) and sank quickly. We rescued him … this and every other time he fell in.
Nicky needed a lot of saving.
Love: An Animal Instinct
While Geminis usually like being around a lot of people, they can also be so flighty that they give off the impression of being unaware of their own self.
Nicky loved us as his pack (and we loved him back), but he found everyone else a threat. He was on-leash reactive for his walks in the neighborhood, and often lunged at runners, bikers, vehicles (especially white cars and trucks), people with baby carriages, and people with dogs.
At home he would lay on his back with his paws in the air in apology and beg for belly rubs. Gemini are known for their incredible intelligence, and Nicky was highly trainable at home, quickly learning any command we taught. My youngest trained him to roll over, hug, and kiss, which was more popular with some members of our pack than others.
The good thing about Gemini is that they are quick to forgive and move on.
Nicky didn’t mind that I didn’t want to kiss a dog who eats his own poop.
And he didn’t mind that it would sometimes take me awhile to forgive him for his contradictory nature.
Sometimes loveable. Sometimes infuriating. So very Gemini. But well worth the lessons in life and love.
Sir Nicolas Flamel Markley
June 8, 2014 - June 1, 2021

Colleen Markley is a novelist and freelance writer living in New Jersey. Her award-winning essay “Unflappably Calm, Occasionally Furious, Ready and Willing to Hide the Bodies” was recently published in Sisters! Bonded by Love and Laughter. Colleen’s essay “Spaghetti-Gate” was published in April of 2022 in an anthology called The Order of Us. Named the June 2021 winner of the Erma Bombeck Writers Workshop Humor Writer of the Month, Colleen attempts to be funny every month as a regular contributor riffing on the zodiac for Dharma Direction. Her novel-in-progress, Lilith Land, is a story about the end of the world where only the women survive. (It’s a novel, not an action plan). Find her at www.ColleenMarkley.com or sign up here for her newsletter and updates.
Visit Colleen on Instagram, see what’s up on her Facebook, or shout-out to Colleen on Twitter.
Kebabs, with an A not an O.
Culinary Craft: “Travel Fare”
Article & Recipe from Chef Candy Lesher
Travel has been one of the hardest hit industries since COVID reared it's unwelcome face. No doubt those with Gemini tendencies have been chafing at the bit in light of all the travel restrictions. My husband and I had hoped to travel to Israel, but in an effort to be safe rather than sorry we're holding off till we're sure we won't get stuck in a foreign country due to an unexpected outbreak.
Of course, it's disappointing to think of all the historic sites, ruins, wineries and orchards, markets and shops we are missing. But most disappointing is the incredible restaurants, food stalls and exotic fare we long to experience.
Fresh-baked pita sprinkled with Zatar used to gather up silky hummus.
To-live-for garden vegetables splashed with local olive oil.
Kofta Kebabs of chicken or beef drizzled in tangy yogurt sauce, and so much more.
One of our must-see destinations was to visit a “shuk” in Tel Aviv. These renowned marketplaces are packed with stunning produce, foods, and dining stalls that reflect the region's multinational population.
Shuk Ha’Carmel marketplace in Tel-Aviv, Israel boasts a bevy of Middle Eastern fare.
The Next Best Thing
With the trip on hold, it was time to at least replicate some of the flavors we had been hoping to experience first hand. One of those was the aforementioned kebabs, which can be made with chicken or turkey thigh meat. Easy to prepare, these versatile delights will satisfy any Gemini craving for a taste of foreign places!
Recipe: Chicken or Turkey Kofta Kebabs
Healthy Middle Eastern comfort food!
Use as a main dish served atop any choice of cooked veggies.
Use as a filling for lettuce wraps.
Split and serve atop a big salad of fresh cucumbers, tomatoes, peppers and onions with either a yogurt-based or oil and wine vinegar dressing. Totally delish!
2 small white or yellow onions, chopped
4 medium garlic cloves, sliced
1/2 teaspoon pink salt
1/4 cup olive oil
2 teaspoons toasted cumin seed, ground
1 and 1/2 teaspoons toasted coriander seed, ground
1/2 teaspoon red pepper flakes, coarsely ground
2 cups flat parsley leaves (Italian parsley)
1 cup mint leaves (optional – if you don't like, add another cup of parsley)
2 pounds ground chicken or turkey (preferably breast and thigh for best flavor)
1 teaspoon pink salt
Preheat oven to 400 degrees.
Pulse onions and garlic in a food processor (or mince super finely by hand—they need to be pulverized like a mush). Heat oil in a heavy skillet over medium-high heat and add onions and garlic, cooking until fragrant.
Lower heat to medium and add the half teaspoon of pink salt, cumin, coriander and pepper flakes. Cook 1 minute, then transfer to a bowl and let cool 10 minutes while preparing the parsley and getting your baking pan ready.
In a food processor, pulse the parsley and mint until well chopped (you can do this by hand too).
Combine minced parsley mixture, cooked onion mixture, ground chicken/turkey and remaining salt, mixing lightly but thoroughly.
Form into oblong kebabs about 4-inches long and 2-inches wide—tapering the ends (like long footballs).
Place on a foil-lined baking sheet and cook in preheated oven about 10 minutes. Turn and continue cooking until cooked through (about 10 more minutes).
Slice or serve whole with yogurt sauce if desired.
Yogurt Sauce Ingredients:
3/4 cup plain yogurt
3/4 cup peeled, grated, and seeded cucumber
1 tablespoon lemon juice, fresh
1 teaspoon dried dill (or 1 tablespoon fresh chopped)
1/2 teaspoon pink salt
Combine all ingredients in a bowl and mix. This is a tasty addition to all types of poultry and beef!
As a Culinary Wellness Coach, Candy Lesher doesn't simply sit on the sidelines and coach, she's right in the game with her clients. As a chef she openly admits weight is an occupational health hazard, so she engages in that daily battle also. As a Stage III cancer survivor, she knows the importance of feeding your body the nutrients it needs to fight off illness—and function at its very best.
Connect with Candy on LinkedIn or visit her website at YourKitchenRX.com
The truth hurts, or does it.
Original Gemini watercolor by Read Gallo.
Romance: “Twin Liars”
Short Fiction by L.J. Longo / Read time: 3 minutes
Simply Irresistible
Go ahead. Lie to me.
Tell me I'm the most beautiful person you've ever seen, that my hair is always perfect, and that my body is smoking. I'll believe you. I would believe you even if you weren't buying me a drink.
Keep lying to me, please. You are dazzling as darkness when you move because you comfort like the moon when you whisper. I've come all the way to your house, knowing that you won't call in the morning. Knowing that this is desperate loneliness for you.
Knowing that I will treasure this night because there will never be another like you.
And when you say this will go someplace … I'll believe you because it's true. Tonight.
Truth or Consequences
Go ahead and lie to me.
Tell me you like my family, that my sister is sweet, and that my friends are interesting. I'll believe you because it doesn't matter, and you don't have to tolerate them forever.
Keep lying, so we don't have to fight. I can pretend this is really love because maybe I'm not just a point to prove to your family, your sister, your friends. I've come a long way from that nightclub …
Knowing you will eventually fall like a hammer on ice.
Knowing I will shatter into unmatchable puzzle pieces. Knowing I will treasure these memories.
And when you say these mundane errands make you happy … I'll believe you because it’s true. This month.
Believe or Be Leavin’
Go ahead. Lie.
Tell me again I am not losing you, that your lips are unstained by another, that my darkness has deceived me. I'll believe you because I need to believe.
Keep this lie more than any other lie. Because if I don't know you, then I don't know me …
And the flowers we have grown to decorate my scars are only glass.
I have come so far, grown so much, and fought so hard to believe, because you told me I fit into this world worth believing in.
So I will believe. I know … I know.
And when you say you love me, I'll believe that love is not a wisp of smoke, that gold is not for fools, because it is true. This year.
Gem … In … I
Go ahead. Lie to me.
Tell me that we are still the most beautiful people, that our hair is always perfect, and that our bodies are not dissolving like sugar. I'll believe that we have time left because I've always believed you.
Lie because we don't want to believe anyone else.
The doctors don't know the power of your words, how you dream things true … how the force of your belief shifts and swirls the bitterness of life until it turns into sweet wine.
We have come so far together. I know the dust is coming, I know it is unavoidable.
I know that there is nothing to fear.
And when you say it is not time for that final harvest, I'll believe that gems grow from lemons because it is true. This lifetime.
L.J. Longo is an award-winning Romance author, a queer geek and feminist writing a medley of dark romance (which can be found through Evernight Publishing) magical realism, weird sci-fi/fantasy, and very implausible creative non-fiction. She recently received Third Place recognition for her submission to the Writer’s Digest Annual Short Story Fiction Contest with her entry titled, "To Harvest Lavender."
Connect to L.J. on Facebook and on L.J.'s Twitter page.
Let the light flow.
Energy: “Harness Your B.E.S.T.”
Q&A Article by Debbie Abbott
We are fortunate humans.
We live in an age when distance presents no barrier to meeting new people, visiting with friends, family, and even medical professionals. This is truly a New Age and understanding how your own energy is either working for you or against you can change your quality of life drastically.
I first met Anja Dubberke online—during lockdown in 2020—through our mutual yogi who teaches classes online from his studio in Nevada City, California. In a group discussion, Anja mentioned that she lived in Alaska but was originally from Germany. My mother’s heritage is German and I was born in Alaska so that was enough of a connection for me. I reached out to Anja and told her we must become friends. And we did.
Though we’ve never met face-to-face, we get together for online video chats regularly and I thank my lucky stars that our paths crossed when they did. Anja was just beginning her journey toward becoming a Bio-Energetic Synchronization Technique practitioner and I was a fortunate recipient of her practice sessions. The result of her energy work with me always created a shift … at first barely perceptible, the sensation of “lightness” in the body allows our molecular machines to function much more efficiently.
So—let’s get to know Anja ...
Anja at home in the woodsy terrain of Anchorage, Alaska.
Q: What exactly is Bio-Energetic Synchronization and how does it work?
A: B.E.S.T. is a form of energy medicine that utilizes muscle testing and thoughts.
The body responds to different thoughts on a subconscious level, revealing important information through those responses. Any unresolved emotion or thought will have a negative impact on the body, causing it to fail in some way.
It’s the number one reason for energy NOT flowing through the body.
Communication between different points and parts of the body gets interrupted and, as a byproduct, symptoms arise.
A symptom is simply a blockage of energy.
The human energy system is designed to flow in a certain pattern. So, using very specific techniques, we address the circuitry issue that keeps energy from flowing freely and properly.
B.E.S.T. can remove subconscious interference in the body.
That interference is like static on the line … or the lack of communication between point A and B. With this method we are improving the communication between points so as to encourage our system to function as a unified entity.
Q: How and why did you become interested in this kind of healing?
A: I met Dr. Sue Morter, President & CEO of Morter Institute and HealthCenter, during a conference where she was speaking about her book and the “energy codes.” Her explanation of who we are as human beings and why we are here on this planet totally resonated with me.
I began to follow her teachings and the next thing that landed was her work and success stories in healing with B.E.S.T. The holistic approach of healing the body from the inside out was so profound that curiosity took over and I had to learn more for myself. Realizing that this work could have a huge impact on others was an after-thought.
Q: What are the effects/benefits to your clients of incorporating this kind of therapy into their lives?
A: I believe a very important aspect of B.E.S.T.—and quite frequently overlooked—is that I treat the body as a whole rather than fixating on a particular symptom.
Every client is in a different situation dealing with their life circumstances, but based on their feedback they are seeing an overall quality-of-life improvement. These can be as subtle as …
Sleeping deeper and better
Feeling more energized
Not being triggered by certain situations
Resolving physical symptoms
Q: Are there any negative side-effects to this kind of treatment?
A: It all depends on what one sees as negative. B.E.S.T. works with the body’s priority levels.
Picture an onion, you need to peel layer by layer before getting to its core.
The same principle applies to the body. Our autonomic nervous system has one main function: Survive. Since the body is operating on present needs, it’s quite possible that after a session the client goes home feeling great. And then the very next morning they feel like a train wreck because something else came up.
This is called a Reactivation—subconscious memory that is stored (and wasn’t on the priority list) is now being pushed in the forefront causing forgotten symptoms to resurface. As long as the client is aware and open to the process, this so-called “negative side effect” is, as a matter of fact, a sign of great progress in the right direction … working on more unresolvedness.
Q: Tell us about the difference between our Physical level and our Energetic level and how they work together.
A: Without getting long winded, the two are inner-connected.
We are made of energy.
Hence, the energies of our biofield are impacting the body on a physical level. We all have a biofield … a large “bubble” of energy surrounding and extending out from the body about eight feet in all directions.
Any disease, back pain, fatigue, or life challenges are a direct result of a disruption in the energy body and in who we are. That disruption is then expressed on a physical level.
Q: It seems everyone is suffering from "System Exhaustion" nowadays. How does this wide-sweeping malady manifest itself in people?
A: We are all subject to the energies around us. Daily stresses, the news, social media, life challenges in general, and even memories impact each and every one of us. Over time, this constant overload causes our systems to fail.
Q: On your website, you mention the "Six Essentials" ... Can you tell us briefly about what these are and why they are important?
A: We can spend a lifetime trying to heal and become better in our pursuit to live a well-rounded and happy life, but if we don’t look out for the Six Essentials to support our system … we are wasting time.
What matters is:
How we sleep, rejuvenate, and recharge.
How we eat; the more nutrient dense, the better.
How we drink; proper water intake, and alcohol consumption hazards.
How we exercise to keep the body moving, energetically and physically.
How we breathe; deep into the belly vs. shallow chest breaths.
How we think. (Most Important!) What are the stories and thoughts we are creating and telling ourselves to be true?
Q: What is your long-term goal as a B.E.S.T. practitioner?
A: My long-term goal is to reach and share these amazing techniques with as many people as I can—either in person or remotely—to improve their quality of life. To have a positive impact.
Humanity needs hope, compassion, and healing.
Look for regular contributions from Anja in future issues of Dharma Direction as she shares her energy expertise with us through insightful articles and advice.
Connect with Anja on Facebook or visit her LinkedIn page. Get more details about B.E.S.T. or schedule a consultation or treatment with Anja through her website: Bio-Energetic Reset.
"Stars don't shine they burn."
Original poem “I AM the One” by Debbie Abbott
I’ll be your angel on call … I’ll be on demand … The greatest honor of all as your guardian.
“Guardian” by Alanis Morissette
Playlist: Gemini
This month’s playlist taps into the pulse of our Gemini Zodiac with songs you surely know and a few you may never have even heard of. Spanning decades of musical expression, our contributors have put together their melodic messages in the hope that, as you listen and/or watch these music videos, your day will be brightened by their gift. ~ DA
Please enjoy Dharma Direction’s playlist for June celebrating all things Gemini. Keep in mind that the playlist on YouTube changes each month to focus on the current Zodiac. This month’s songs are listed below ~
“Guardian” - Alanis Morissette
“Intuition” - Jewel
“Him & I” - G-Eazy and Halsey
“Let’s Go Crazy” - Prince & The Revolution
“Opposites Attract” - Paula Abdul
“Otherwise” - Morcheeba
“Bad Liar” - Imagine Dragons
“Basket Case” - Green Day
“Take It Easy” - The Eagles
“Kokomo” - The Beach Boys
“Make Me Believe” - The Everlove
“Bang” - Tori Amos
“Lie to Me” - Greg Laswell
“The Gemini Song” - Waylon Jennings
The Reading Dingy
Escape into a good book.
See what our contributors are reading now, what they recommend, or what’s on their “must read” list. Our picks may be new releases, forever favorites, hidden gems, or classics we can’t wait to read again. If we love it, we’ll let you know here!
Color Therapy: Gemini
FREE Downloadable/Printable — just get your crayons, pencils, pastels, or paints and right-click the image below.